Infants three months and under are free when attending with a registered sibling.
Older siblings may visit once per semester for a drop in price of $35.
Any child attending class on a regular basis MUST be registered for the class.
If you would like to attend a single class during the semester, each class will be $35.
Drop-ins will not be given the parent’s guide or CDs.
If you would like to join Music Together mid-semester, contingent on class size, payment will be prorated.
Any child attending class on a regular basis MUST be registered for the class.
Enrollment confirmations will be sent via email within 48 hours of our receiving your payment. If you do not receive an enrollment confirmation within 48 hours of submitting your registration online, please email us to confirm that we have received it: [email protected].
Continued music-making at home is essential to your child’s musical growth. To support this, we provide each family in our program with a beautifully illustrated songbook, CD, digital download of the semester’s music, and a parent guide DVD.
No tuition refunds are given after the semester begins. No credits for missed classes. No sharing of class with friends or family ‘in your stead’.
If cancellation occurs before the semester begins (at least 1 week prior), you will be refunded your full amount.
Your guests are welcome to visit the class provided space can allow for additional people in the room. If you would like an older sibling to visit class please pre-arrange this with the office by email or phone at least 24 hours prior to the class meeting. All visitors, big or small ( adults or children) must be pre-arranged with the office. Some classes will not be able to accommodate visitors due to class size and/or room size.
Please do not bring snacks and toys to class. They are very distracting and can cause unnecessary conflicts between the children.
Please refrain from taking photos and videos during class. It is very distracting for the children and the adults to be engaged in photo-taking rather than music-making. Ask your teacher for permission to take photos/videos during the Play-Along jam session portion of the class or at the end of class.
Please do not bring your child to class sick. There are no make-up classes, refunds, or credits due to covid.
We reserve the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment. Every effort will be made to make these decisions as early as possible, however, cancellations may take place up until the third week of classes. In this case, all registered families will be notified and given the option of another class.