Mondays – Power Portion on the weekly Parsha following morning services
services – 7:30am
Mondays – Rabbi’s Lunch & Learn at Broward General Hospital 3rd Floor CCU Room @ 12noon
Inspiring thoughts, discussion and wisdom of the Torah
with Rabbi Schneur Kaplan
Wednesdays – Ladies Lunch & Learn 12noon with Devorah Kaplan
Learn and be inspired! Lunch Served
At the DJCC 900 E Broward
with Devorah Kaplan
Thursdays -Power Portion on the weekly Parsha following morning services
Services – 7:30am
Saturdays- Ethics of Our fathers
Discover the simple truths of how to be an ethical and pious Jew. Based on the teachings of our Sages in the book ‘Ethics of our Fathers.’
Saturdays between Mincha and Maariv with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan during the summer months. Please check weekly calendar!
For one on one learning please call the office at 954-667-8000 and we will be happy to arrange a time and place to learn!