Just in time for the New Year! Learn to bake Challah with Devorah!
The Mitzvah of Challah has immense healing power and spiritual potential for all Godly blessings.
Join us for this unique Challah Bake in the merit of a speedy and complete recovery for Stacie Greenberg ( Miriam Bat Sarah),
a dear friend and community member currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
All those in need of blessings and healing are included in our prayers and this powerful mitzvah of Challah.
Don’t miss out on this special event.
You will learn tips and tricks as you form your very own pair of challahs and embellish them with an array of toppings!
Refreshments will be served.
All ingredients and supplies are included.
$25 per person
Please reserve below
Wednesday, September 14, at 7pm
at DJEC 1012 E Broward Blvd