November 23rd 12 Noon

Thanksgiving Lunch Reservation

To our DJP families we hold so dear

we want to share our Thanks this year

at a yummy feast made just for you

by your children (& the caterer too).

So join us a we eat and play

And help us give thanks to all on this special day


Please reserve below and indicate which event you are reserving for. We look forward to celebrating with you!!


The Thanksgiving Feast is Always a Special Time at DJP

The children get to show off their thanksgiving and fall creations as well as their first self portrait.
They make a special food for the lunch and help decorate the tables as well as perform a song or dance!
We encourage all families to join us for this delicious and fun school family lunch.

The lunch will start at 12 noon please be on time and the children will go home with you after lunch to enjoy your beautiful Thanksgiving weekend!